Sunday, November 25, 2007

Should you know more? Just enough and not too much

I discovered an incredibly surprising fact today (when I was waking up).
I did not realize this before.

It is this:
"You do not want to know and think too much."

But just enough.

Because it is the optimal way. What will you do when you know too much?
It is not going to do any good. You will not be able to handle it. You will forget it.

You want to think, get to know, or learn incrementally so that it sticks.
This is one reason that gratitude is a virtue.

Be thankful for what you have when you are at the point of wanting too much,
want to know more, or think more. Be mindful of the point that it becomes greedy. Greed, although many times unintentional, creates imbalance. You have one of the things too much and won't be able to utilize it. Therefore, we don't need to try to be non-greedy by using the rote knowledge that "greed is not ethical or moral". No. Instead, we shall understand why greed is bad. (Then it will be effortless to be non-greedy.) See that greed is not optimal. It wastes time and effort! You want to be balanced. Because being balanced is optimal. Balance in everything may look non-perfect but actually it is. It is perfect given your situation. Because it is the best you can do. There is no better. If you understand this well, that is the point you can be effortlessly happy and thankful. And you will approach  perfection at the fastest speed.

Do not want to know more when you know enough.
Utilize what you already know. When you need to know more, think more,
you will know it and you will be able to want it and get it.

The same principle that applies to stuff at your home applies to knowledge, concepts, and thoughts, as well. You don't want to have too much stuff in your room. It is distracting. So, you do not want to have too much in your mind, either.

There was a children's book that made a point of this principle very well.
I thought it was impressive. Its title was "just enough and not too much".


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